Thursday, August 14, 2014

The misery taste of the blissfully waiting

Nothing cheers you up in so many ways as you finding out that you're going to be a mom. It never comes at the perfect moment, and you never feel prepared, either. But the joy of knowing that someone so tiny is beating inside you, makes you forget about everything else. 

I say sometimes, since this "blissfully waiting" is usually more miserable than you think. Morning and evening nausea become part of your daily routine. Exhaustion and dizziness are all like typical drug side effects. Some women (including myself) pass this time better than others, but we all have to pass it. Oh, and don't forget the tremendous headaches or constant heartburn. 

Anyway, all of this is a small price to pay for what you get in return that once passed, we remember them with some affection (are we, women, masochistic?). Who hasn't met a mother who says "ayyy yeah, I remember, it was a bad time, but it's not a big deal…time goes by so fast! And it worth it!" 

And yes, it's true. Children are wonderful gifts that life give us; they are also an immense joy that drive us to go on and improve ourselves as people. But dear, let's be honest! The only bliss part of the "blissfully waiting", is the idea of ​​a future reward. 

We are comforted to know that these 9 months prepare us for the best time of our lives. Something we don't know yet, but everyone insists on asserting: that is the best thing to happen to us. And no matter how many tips we receive, or how many stories we hear. Inevitably we're going to forget them, just to remind them when it is too late. Meanwhile, to feel his kicks, to listen to his little tiny heart and watch it moving as a tadpole within us will become the main activity in our lives. We will be accompanied 24 hours a day, there'll be no rests, nor holidays. The pain, fatigue and anxiety will also be shared with this little one that we haven't meet yet, but someone who we already love more than our own lives. We will be afraid, but we never feel alone anymore. We'll endure a lot of pain (we have no other chance, though!) But one small kick, a simple little kick it'll be enough to remind us that there is life growing inside us, that there is magic in the whole process of growth, and once again all our sorrows will be diluted in the adrenaline of the close meeting. 

The sleepless nights we spent (it's a lie that pregnant women sleep well, especially in the last months!), the times that we have to stop to take a breathe and the moments that we insult in languages ​​we ever known, they will simply transform in the victory of the awaited meeting. The day of the appointment with our baby will be the day when all this misery is transformed to give us the most beautiful gift and of course, a new misery to be part of this new odyssey ... or did you think that evil was passing? 

Life itself is full of challenges, all with sweet and bitter tastes; is on us to find the balance. Being a mother is the greatest challenge of all. You'll never feel so afraid and so peaceful at the same time. You'll feel like you don't know anything, but at the same time you know everything. You'll never doubt so much in your ability to tolerate and persevere and never end to surprise you on your ability to fight. Because mothers, in spite of everything, are mothers and nothing can take such a beautiful definition of person from us.

No matter how misery the wait. Don't despair. It'll pass and end, only to give you the greatest love you'll ever know. Ever.

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